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Sweet Merch!

Born Again Babe: Kindle Edition - Dive into a Transformative Journey of Faith

Purchase 'Born Again Babe: 12 Week Devotional' now on Amazon Kindle and embark on a transformative journey of faith. Dive deep into themes of grace, redemption, and spiritual growth as you deepen your relationship with God!



But God...
Shay Lynn Offenburger

I currently reside in Dickson, Tennessee, but my story started long ago in Bakersfield, California. As a child, I had a bizarre, strangely spiritual, and ugly childhood. I always felt alone, unloved, and unwanted by my family. I needed to know there was someone who loved me. Someone who would look after me. I decided to ask God if He was real. And He answered me LOUD and CLEAR. But that's a whole other story for another time. In high school, I began to study the Bible with some classmates. I had a real passion for learning who God was. I secretly wanted to dedicate my life to God and become a nun. Nobody knows that, lol. But when you are on fire for God, the devil himself will step in to derail you. And like most people, I began to slip away from God until I fell into a life of sin. I now know that this is what kept me from feeling His presence all those years. He was always in my heart. But He was not first, or even 20th in my life. Pretty soon I thought I was too dirty and sinful, and that God would want nothing to do with me. So, I continued to run in shame. But God had other plans for me. He came after me. The lost sheep. While working as a dispatcher at a plumbing company, I met Al. Alfred Martinez. He was the Born Again Babe 119 most God-loving, God-fearing man I had ever met. HE DROVE ME CRAZY. Looking back, he was actually quite infectious. But I didn’t want ANY part of it. He would come into work every day and shout out “There she is, that woman of God!’ He would, without fail, ask me to come to church EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I finally caved just to get him off my back. I believe that God has angels working on this earth. Al is one of them. I became bornagain a few months after meeting him. And on July 6th, 2014, he personally baptized me. God sent Al Martinez to bring me back to Him. Now I am on a mission to be like my dear friend Alfred Martinez. I want to help change people’s lives by getting them to know the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To say that knowing God has changed my life would be the understatement of the century. The more I spend time with Him, the more blessed and beautiful my life becomes. I learned how to love myself because He first loved me. God put it on my heart to write this book so I could reach all of you wonderful women of God! Born Again Babes is a 100% Holy Spirit inspired by my heavenly Father. I am so excited for you, and I can’t wait to hear your beautiful testimonies of how God is moving in your lives!

 Love you, Babes! Xoxo

Mar 26, 2024

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